Routine Name: solveLinearSystemInline

Author: Andrew Aposhian

Language: C++

To use this function, include the correct header file at the top of your file as follows:

#include "LinearSolvers.hpp"

Description/Purpose: The purpose of this overloaded function is to solve a linear system of equations by performing row reduction on the coefficient matrix then performing backsubstitution. Unlike solveLinearSystem, solveLinearSystemInline does not use the rowReduce and backsub routines, but rather does these operations in-line. The routine outputs the solution to the system of equations as a vector.


  1. A : an Array of doubles of dimensionality n x n
  2. b : an Array of doubles of dimensionality n x 1

Output: A vector of doubles of dimensionality n x 1 representing the solution to the linear system

Usage/Example: The example below shows creating a random coefficient matrix and b vector, printing them, finding the solution to the linear system using the routine, then printing the solution.

    std::cout << "Diagonally dominant coefficient matrix  A_3 to be solved: " << std::endl;
    DenseArray<double>* A_3 = new DenseArray<double>(3, 3);
    A_3->makeRandomDD(1.0, 10.0);

    std::cout << "b_3: " << std::endl;
    Vector<double>* b_3 = new Vector<double>(3);
    b_3->makeRandom(1.0, 10.0);

    std::cout << "x found for A_3 system:  " << std::endl;
    Vector<double> x_a3 = solveLinearSystemInline(*A_3, *b_3);

Output from lines above:

    Diagonally dominant coefficient matrix  A_3 to be solved: 
    9.81712 7.15914 1.05711 
    7.10768 9.97901 2.8692 
    2.79929 6.74427 9.89667 
    x found for A_3 system:  

Implementation/Code: See LinearSolvers.cpp on GitHub

Vector<double>& solveLinearSystemInline(DenseArray<double>& A, Vector<double>& b) {
    // TODO: Add scaled partial pivoting
    assertLinearSystem(A, b);
    unsigned int n = A.rowDim();
    for (unsigned int pivotIdx = 0; pivotIdx < n; pivotIdx++) {
        double pivot = A(pivotIdx, pivotIdx);
        for (unsigned int i = pivotIdx + 1; i < n; i++) {
            double l = A(i, pivotIdx) / pivot;
            A.set(i, pivotIdx, 0.0);
            for (unsigned int j = pivotIdx + 1; j < n; j++) {
                double oldVal = A(i, j);
                A.set(i, j, oldVal - l * A(pivotIdx, j));
            double oldBVal = b(i);
            b.set(i, oldBVal - l * b(pivotIdx));
    Vector<double>* x = new Vector<double>(n, true);
    unsigned int lastIndex = n - 1;
    double x_n = b(lastIndex, 0) / A(lastIndex, lastIndex);
    x->set(lastIndex, x_n);
    // Note that the loop ends when i is negative
    for (int i = lastIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
            sum += A(i, j) * (*x)(j);
        double x_i = (b(i, 0) - sum) / A(i, i);
        x->set(i, x_i);
    return *x;

Last Modified: May/2019