Routine Name: powerEigenSolve
Author: Andrew Aposhian
Language: C++
To use this function, include the correct header file at the top of your file as follows:
#include "EigenvalueSolvers.hpp"
Description/Purpose: The purpose of this function is to approximately compute the eigenvalue with the largest magnitude for a given square matrix using the power iteration method.
: Array of doubles of dimensionality n x ntol
: double value representing the tolerance for the accuracy of the eigenvaluemaxiter
: unsigned int value for the maximum number of iterations to do before stopping solver
Output: A double precision value representing the eigenvalue of largest magnitude found for the matrix A
Usage/Example: The example below shows creating a random symmetric and positive definite matrix, printing it, then using the routine to find its dominant eigenvalue. The eigenvalue found is then printed.
std::cout << "A_eig" << std::endl;
Array<double>* A_eig = getRandomSPDArray(3);
double A_eig_lambda = powerEigenSolve(*A_eig, 0.0001, 10000);
std::cout << "A_eig_lambda found using power method: " << A_eig_lambda << std::endl;
Output from lines above:
12.7763 22.4189 13.4044
22.4189 48.4419 34.3634
13.4044 34.3634 27.032
A_eig_lambda found using power method: 83.323
Implementation/Code: See EigenvalueSolvers.cpp on GitHub
double powerEigenSolve(Array<double>& A, double tol, unsigned int maxiter) {
unsigned int n = A.rowDim();
double** A_raw_member = A.getRawArray();
double error = 10 * tol;
double lambda = 0.0;
// Randomly initialize v
double* v = new double[n];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
v[0] = getRandDouble(-10, 10);
// Get initial y
double* y = rawMatVecProduct(A_raw_member, v, n, n);
unsigned int k = 0;
while (error > tol && k < maxiter) {
// Copute l2 norm of y
double sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += y[i] * y[i];
double y_norm = sqrt(sum);
// Update v
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
v[i] = y[i] / y_norm;
// Update y
delete[] y;
y = rawMatVecProduct(A_raw_member, v, n, n);
double lambda_next = rawDot(v, y, n);
error = std::fabs(lambda_next - lambda);
lambda = lambda_next;
delete[] v;
delete[] y;
return lambda;
Last Modified: April/2019