Method Name: makeRandomSymmetric
Author: Andrew Aposhian
Language: C++
This method must be called on an instance of a DenseArray of doubles. See the docs for DenseArray for details about the DenseArray class template.
Description/Purpose: The purpose of this method is to set a DenseArray to contain entries set to random real floating point values in the range [min, max]. The min and max arguments have default values of 0.0 and 1.0 respectively.
: a double representing the minimum value to which an entry in the matrix can be setmax
: a double representing the maximum value to which an entry in the matrix can be set. This must be strictly greater thanmin
Output: None
Usage/Example: The example below shows instantiating a DenseArray of doubles, calling makeRandomSymmetric on that DenseArray instance with the default arguments, then printing the array.
// Using default min and max
std::cout << "symmetric: " << std::endl;
DenseArray<double>* sym = new DenseArray<double>(5, 5);
// Using other min and max
std::cout << "symmetric non-default: " << std::endl;
DenseArray<double>* symNonDef = new DenseArray<double>(5, 5);
Output from lines above:
0.200392 0.993509 0.913913 0.135969 0.227782
0.993509 0.332465 0.733959 0.647183 0.201933
0.913913 0.733959 0.888492 0.888938 0.37583
0.135969 0.647183 0.888938 0.580875 0.766615
0.227782 0.201933 0.37583 0.766615 0.490416
symmetric non-default:
6.16455 4.6152 4.65097 5.7746 6.75435
4.6152 5.3819 6.5474 7.21746 4.79049
4.65097 6.5474 6.83314 5.56579 5.23679
5.7746 7.21746 5.56579 7.67036 4.7491
6.75435 4.79049 5.23679 4.7491 7.20306
Implementation/Code: See DenseArray.ipp on GitHub
template <typename T>
void DenseArray<T>::makeRandomSymmetric(const double min, const double max) {
assertProperMinMax(min, max);
// It is important that the form be changed before array initialization
// so that the correct form of array be allocated
makeRandomInternalTriangular(min, max);
Last Modified: February/2019