Routine Name: l2Norm

Author: Andrew Aposhian

Language: C++

To use this function, include the correct header file at the top of your file as follows:

#include "VectorNorms.hpp"

Description/Purpose: The purpose of this function is to take a Vector of doubles and return its L-2 Norm as a double.


  1. A vector of doubles

Output: A double representing the L-2 Norm of the input vector.

Usage/Example: The example below shows creating a random 2D vector and then printing its L-2 Norm.

std::cout << "random vec y: " << std::endl;
Vector<double>* y = new Vector<double>(2);

std::cout << "y l2Norm: " << std::endl;
std::cout << l2Norm(*y) << std::endl;

Output from lines above:

random vec y: 
y l2Norm: 

Implementation/Code: See VectorNorms.cpp on GitHub

double l2Norm(Vector<double>& v) {
    double sum = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.rowDim(); i++) {
        sum += v(i) * v(i);
    return sqrt(sum);

Last Modified: February/2019