Routine Name: estimate2NormConditionNumber
Author: Andrew Aposhian
Language: C++
To use this function, include the correct header file at the top of your file as follows:
#include "MatrixNorms.hpp"
Description/Purpose: The purpose of this function is to estimate the condition number in the 2-norm for the given square matrix by computing the absolute value of the eigenvalue with the largest magnitude divided by the eigenvalue with the smallest magnitude.
: Array of doubles of dimensionality n x ntol
: double value representing the tolerance for the accuracy of the eigenvaluemaxiter
: unsigned int value for the maximum number of iterations to do before stopping solver
Output: A double
representing the estimate of the condition number in the 2-norm for the matrix.
Usage/Example: The example below shows creating a Hilbert matrix with n = 4, then using the routine to estimate its condition number. The result is then printed.
std::cout << "Hilbert 4" << std::endl;
DenseArray<double>* hil4 = new DenseArray<double>(4);
double hil4Kappa = estimate2NormConditionNumber(*hil4, 0.000001, 10000);
std::cout << "hil4Kappa: " << hil4Kappa << std::endl;
Output from lines above:
Hilbert 4
hil4Kappa: 14837.3
Implementation/Code: See MatrixNorms.cpp on GitHub
double estimate2NormConditionNumber(Array<double>& A, double tol, unsigned int maxiter) {
double largest = powerEigenSolve(A, tol, maxiter);
double smallest = inverseEigenSolve(A, 0, tol, maxiter);
return std::fabs(largest / smallest);
Last Modified: April/2019